Friday, October 14, 2011

Culture and Gender: How do they Affect Emotion?

Male & Female: It is told that men brains are wired for action during high emotions, but females are wired for talking things over. Also it is told that men and women keep handle of emotions in different ways. for example, women when they are upset try to express their feelings directly, and seek to the support of friends and family members. However, men might handle their emotions to hide or withdrawing it.
It says that men tend to be self-reliant. They think that this behavior is reinforced everyday. It is basically a stereotype for men.
For example, Men get their influence from their fathers which feel distant, and they pass this on for later on. They act as if they are distant to their children, but females keep in touch with their child.

Cultural Differences
The Eastern and Western cultural emotions seem to be featured different due to their geographical locations. It is told that "cultures transcend national borders and requires researchers to use meaningful dimensions of variability rather than physical boundaries." It is told that Eastern cultures are seem to be mysterious due to their actions.  However, the acts of Westerners tend to express their feelings more freely. This is shown that emotions are personal and independent experiences.


Emotions are psychological acts that people show through their body. Emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experiences. Through these factors people express their feelings. Emotions can be adaptive features to humans in our quest for survival because sometimes emotions can safe your lives. Throughout the emotions of one persons face, the emotional features can bring positive effects on the people. For example, when people go into for an interview for their jobs, they can use their emotional features in order to bring the positive results for ones life. Also if there were no emotional there would be serious problems occurring over the world.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a part of a brain disease. the onset of the symptoms are gradual, but the Alzheimer's disease grows slow and steady and ruins ones brains' memory. during the AD the person needs to go through a serious problems. For example,  the person can have a speaking difficulty, or unable to understand a language. All around the world, the AD occurs mostly at over the age of 80. This AD doesn't affect all the memory of the brain, it just effects the episodic memory. this episodic memory is the memory of events and personal experiences. The AD also affects the semantic memory, which is the memory stored in general knowledge about the world concepts and language.
Through the Ad video I learned that memories are who we are and if the AD occurs the memory will come to a lose. There is no treatment right now about the AD. The changes in brain will change the personality of the person. the family members of the AD patient will have to be the family care giver, and should take care of the AD patient. Also the AD will bring the lose of synopsis.
through the video I had a feeling that it is a natural event that can occur, suddenly, and got afraid of the disease, and I hope scientists and psychologists will find a way of curing the diseases. Right now, the scientists are trying a way out of the Alzheimer's disease, but they say that it is really hard. Alzheimer's disease that effect the brain is a problem and we need a way out of the situation.